LNH standings update!

    When I was talking about LNH in general it seems that I missed something important. When the regular season finished, the teams all had 10 games played. And when the Super Liga started (the best 4 teams) they brought their points from the regular season (but only the head to head points). This way the standings did not change, but the points did:
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2 Responses to LNH standings update!

  1. sportgalati says:

    Nu mai inteleg nimic, FRHG da un clasament aici: http://rohockey.stats.pointstreak.com/standings.html?leagueid=940&seasonid=6216 , numai cu jocuril dion Super Liga.

  2. Mike says:

    Da, si eu stiam la fel. Numai ca am citit pe alte forumuri si in ziarul local (M-Ciuc), ca echipele isi duc punctele jucate intre cele patru echipe in Super Liga. De aceea toate echipele aveau deja 6 meciuri jucate (cate 2 cu celalate echipe)

    Situl pe care sunt statisticile cateodata nu scrie lucurile exact, oricum daca FRHG va pune pe internet un clasament oficial atunci vom vedea. Pana atunci, chiar si oficialii de la HSC spun ca punctele sunt transferati din sezonul regulat

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